About Us

Introduction of M&E

The Monitoring and Evaluation (M&E) project in the School Education Department of the Government of Sindh was initiated through a partnership agreement with S-GPE (Donors) in January 2015. This led to the establishment of a dedicated Directorate General of Monitoring and Evaluation within the Department. It was initially tasked with the primary objective of implementing a technology-based monitoring system for school teachers' attendance. It aimed at achieving school profiling, gathering comprehensive information on human resources and infrastructure of public sector schools. Equipped with highly qualified field formation, a very indispensable database started to be maintained and sustained for analysis and evaluation in order to facilitate evidence based decision making for priority issues. By now, a consolidated and synchronized record management related to staff count, employee profiles, administrative data, postings, absent teachers, condition of infrastructure is available and is being continuously updated consistently through Sindh School Monitoring System (SSMS). Through the implementation of the monitoring system, notable impacts have been achieved, including control over teachers' absenteeism, continuous monitoring of school education, improved information on school infrastructure, assistance in maintaining student-teacher ratios, provision of key data for enhancing overall indicators of quality education, adoption of modern automation tools for continuous monitoring, and the establishment of District Reforms Oversight Committees (DROC) for analyzing monitoring reports and driving education sector improvements. The project also addresses issues such as absconding teachers, absent teachers, teacher transfers, and medical leaves through a structured monitoring process. The successful implementation of the M&E project has gained recognition from the World Bank, with the achievement of disbursement linked indicators (DLIs) and the release of one million dollars in funding.

About Us

What we do?

Ensuring Educational Excellence through Comprehensive Monitoring and Evaluation

Teacher Monitoring

Accurate Attendance Tracking of Teaching and Non-teaching Staff through Biometric Devices.

Student Monitoring

Real-time data on School Enrollment and Attendance.

School Facilities Monitoring

Comprehensive Monitoring of School Facilities and Infrastructure.

SMC Funds

Tracking the Utilization of Funds Provided to schools through SMC.



Since its inception as a result of our partnership agreement with S-GPE (Donors) in 2015, our dedicated Directorate General of Monitoring and Evaluation has worked tirelessly to implement a robust and technology-driven monitoring system for school teachers' attendance. This initiative has not only brought control over absenteeism but has also provided us with invaluable insights into various aspects of school education.Our team has successfully achieved the objectives set forth by the project, including comprehensive profiling of schools, obtaining evidence-based information on school human resources and infrastructure, and establishing a parallel field force to effectively carry out assigned tasks. Through our data evaluation efforts, we have been able to prioritize critical issues and channel resources to upgrade school infrastructure, ultimately enhancing the overall quality of education in our beloved province. One of our notable accomplishments has been the development and implementation of the Sindh School Monitoring System (SSMS), a pioneering initiative that collects, analyzes, and disseminates real-time data on key school-level indicators. This system has empowered us to monitor trends, identify weaknesses, and respond swiftly to ensure the continuous improvement of our education system. I would like to extend my heartfelt appreciation to each member of our M&E team for their unwavering dedication and relentless efforts in making this project a resounding success. Your commitment to excellence and passion for transforming education in Sindh have been truly commendable. Lastly, this Directorate is extremely thankful to Unicef Pakistan and M/S Micromerger Company Ltd, Islamabad for their consistent technical support, training session of field formation through Sindh and sincere guidance and feedback throughout our journey. It has been really a great experience to have worked with them for a noble cause.

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09am to 06pm

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Bungalow# C-98, KDA scheme-5, Clifton Block-2, Karachi